Intro to Adulting 101:

How Personal Finance Will Impact Your Life More Than Your Career

Alberta Association of Physiotherapy Edition

We exit academia and enter the workforce ready to establish ourselves as rehab professionals. We have the entry-level knowledge and the soft skills to land us our first job. We get our first paycheck and decide to treat ourselves to a fancy meal, a nice outfit, and a memorable night out. Then we realize we have student and car loans to pay, rent to come up with, a house to save for, and taxes to account for, and we feel the social pressure to invest but have no clue where to start. This was my story, and I’ve devised a plan for how to live the life I want without exclusively trading my time for money

Date: Monday, June 3, 2024

Time: 7pm MST

Audience: Physiotherapists of all ages and experience levels. A Member Exclusive Event

Duration: ~60 to 90mins (including Q & A)

Location: Virtually through Zoom (link provided after registration)

After this seminar, you should:

  • Have a better understanding of why your mindset is your most important asset

  • Determine what ‘retirement’ means to you and how to create goals to ‘retire’

  • Understand the importance of compound interest, investing early and often

  • How does your income classification affect your taxes, your expenses, and your bottom line

Topics will include:

  1. Independent Contractor vs. Employee

  2. How the Type of Income You earn can Affect Your Bottom Line

  3. Budgeting and Why it is Crucial for Your Success (paying down student loans, professional student lines of credit etc.)

  4. Money, Growth Mindset, and Goal Setting

  5. Financial Planning for “Retirement”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely none! I have nothing to hide here. I have not taken any undergraduate, post graduate or extra-curricular courses in anything related to financial planning, economics, accounting etc.

    The information provided is strictly from what I have learned through my career as a hobby of mine, something that I am deeply passionate about and that I have spent my evenings and weekends learning about. My sources have mainly been through networking, youtube channels, podcasts, and non-fiction books. Well, I’ve also learned through trial and error and losing sums of money. I’m hoping through my experience I can spare you from those mistakes

  • Budget for around 60-75mins. There will be a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask me questions!

  • First, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme, nor is the information designed to get ‘filthy rich. There is so much more to life than money. I have designed this course first and foremost to disseminate information that the most wealthy in society already know but the poor and middle class don’t. Secondly, to present the opportunities of what can be achieved by allied health professionals so that they can take control of their lives and achieve their own sense of fulfillment.

  • No, unfortunately not, for a few reasons. I have found those people who make learning a priority will get the most out of the material. Furthermore, live engagement allows for a more enriching conversation. Lastly, a few of my slides will come directly from my paid courses and e-guides, so out of respect for my paying customers, I will not provide a recording.

  • I get it, life happens and sometimes interrupts our best intentions. If you cannot attend, you can find past recordings (however not exactly the same as this seminar) on EMBODIA. There will be both free and paid content for your consumption.

As seen speaking at