Let’s work together!

  • Small Speaking Session

    This format is ideal for employers/clinic owners, and organizations, looking to discuss strategies and ideas to better themselves/ their employees and the culture.

    Usually conducted over 4 weeks with single one-hour sessions per week. You can customize the topics based on your own interest.

  • One-on-One Session

    Geared towards those individuals who are more comfortable discussing their situation in an intimate setting. Starting with the basics we will work together to create a plan to achieve your goals.

    There is no time commitment, you can schedule at your convenience

As Heard On

Become Pandemic & Recession Proof

In 2019 I switched clinics and had to rebuild a caseload from the bottom, 2020 the world stopped, my income took a nosedive (clinic closures), yet my net worth continues to rise.


The exact values in the graph below have been changed for privacy reasons but the trendline is accurate. Notice how in 2020, during the height of the pandemic and being unable to practice in-clinic my income took a nosedive, however, my net worth (not solely tied to my income) rose.

The Importance of Owning Assets

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely none! I have nothing to hide here. I have not taken any undergraduate, post graduate or extra-curricular courses in anything related to financial planning, economics, accounting etc.

    The information provided is strictly from what I have learned through my career as a hobby of mine, something that I am deeply passionate about and that I have spent my evenings and weekends learning about. My sources have mainly been through networking, youtube channels, podcasts, and non-fiction books. Well, I’ve also learned through trial and error and losing sums of money. I’m hoping through my experience I can spare you from those mistakes

  • Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I do offer speaking sessions live in person at work retreats, rounds, team-building functions, clinical development functions and town halls. Between both in person and virtual offerings, I will be sure to meet your needs

  • First, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme, nor is the information designed to get ‘filthy rich. There is so much more to life than money. I have designed this course first and foremost to disseminate information that the most wealthy in society already know but the poor and middle class don’t. Secondly, to present the opportunities of what can be achieved by allied health professionals so that they can take control of their lives and achieve their own sense of fulfillment.

  • Nooooooooo… but… it is strongly recommended that you do. The intermediate course builds upon concepts learned in the beginner course. You may be enticed to go straight to the intermediate course but we will be moving at a faster pace and without the initial foundation you may be overwhelmed and feel out of place.

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