Good Will and Charity

Did You Know?

That a portion of the proceeds generated from each course will be donated to a local charity.

Take comfort in knowing that your decision to invest in yourself will not only have profound impacts directly in your life but also in the lives of the most vulnerable in our community.

Talk about a win-win-win situation for all involved!


The Dream Dealer.

Mike, the son of an immigrant farmer from Chihuahua, Mexico started The Dream Dealer in 2009. It started off by him selling off all of his personal belongings to fund trips to Ukraine and Haiti. Now The Dream Dealer has teams of workers in both places as well as here in Canada. 

Since then he married the love of his life Colleen and they have been actively pursuing their calling to help the poor, orphans, widows, homeless, and anyone who has been disenfranchised by poverty or sickness. 


Our Responsibility

I’ve been extremely fortunate to be raised in Canada and I’ve had an exceptional upbringing bestowed on me by the sacrifices made by my parents.

In saying that, I believe it is my social responsibility to effect positive change on those who are less fortunate. This platform allows us the opportunity to do so.