We are alongside Robin Valadares in today’s episode. Robin is a physiotherapist, financial literacy educator, and creator of The Financially Fulfilled Physio. It is his goal to help physiotherapists and chiropractors alike learn about personal finance to make a gratifying, profitable practice.

“We all hope it’s going to work out in the end, and we let ample time slide by to no benefit of our own.”– Robin Valadares

Topics Covered Include

How poor education of financial literacy is reflected in the industry.

Where the best starting point is for financial beginners.

The value in understanding the basics.

Why personal finances typically impact professional finances.

What the common hiding spots for financial problems are.

How the small habits make the greatest impact.

How expenses can add up when you move to the next stage of life.

Why you should sit down on a regular basis to budget.

Why investing in assets is such an important aspect of financial literacy.

Which investment strategies can help you long-term and short-term.

How you can use your time to provide value.

Robin’s motivation for creating two financial literacy courses.

Why you should earn an income irrespective of trading time for money.

How severe lockdowns were an opportunity for Robin.

How having many revenue streams will stabilize your income.

Where mitigating expenses comes into the equations.

Why you should understand the worth of your return on time.

How to discern where to allocate your efforts.

The valuable information you can receive through Robin’s blogs



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