2022 Stock Options Trading Year In Review
As you have probably heard me say a few times by now, increasing your revenue streams are paramount to reaching financial fulfillment. I don’t believe you can rely solely on one income stream (especially if you’re a health professional) to achieve some sort of financial independence. Gone are the days when you can live off one income in a household.
Outside of obtaining streams from my active physiotherapy income and real estate, I have continued to use stock options as a tool to generate another source of semi-active income.
This is my second full year of trading, let’s just say that it wasn’t as successful as 2021. In case you hadn’t noticed, 2022 was a terrible year for the majority of equities. However, I would have seen larger losses in my portfolio if I was not able to generate income through selling puts and covered calls.
In an effort to continue my mission of providing transparency, I have listed below the details of the last year of my trading. My goal in sharing this information is to showcase the possibilities available that are not readily taught in traditional education that can allow anyone with an internet connection and a sound strategy to generate income.
I am a firm believer in surrounding yourself with individuals a lot smarter than yourself and that’s precisely what I did when I took to Theta Trading it educate myself.
If you are looking to add another revenue stream to your belt and are considering learning more about stock options trading.
You can save $100 off the introductory course (the same course I took) by clicking here.
12 Months
12 Trades
4 Underlying Stocks Traded
4 Naked Puts
8 Covered Calls
ROI/ Month: 0.4%
ROI Overall: 4.8%
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