How Inflation is Eroding Your Wealth
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

How Inflation is Eroding Your Wealth

Your savings account pays you 0.5% but the inflation rate is 5%, so your real rate of return is -4.5%, and you're wondering why you can't get ahead?

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Why you should QUIT more often
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Why you should QUIT more often

In our society, to quit often signals a feeling of defeat, loss and even failure. Meaning it is held in a negative light. Often looking back on what we have lost or wasted in the effort. Annie, in her more recent book Quit, the power of knowing when to walk away, highlights how we should embrace quitting and instead look to the future for the expected value and the potential future loss if we don’t quit.

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Guide to Managing Student Loans: Strategies for U.S. and Canadian Healthcare Professionals
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Guide to Managing Student Loans: Strategies for U.S. and Canadian Healthcare Professionals

Tackling student loans might seem daunting, but it's like untangling a big knot—one step at a time. Remember “anything above zero, compounds”. Whether you're in the bustling cities of the U.S. or the scenic landscapes of Canada, being smart with your student loans can pave the way for a brighter financial future. This guide is packed with savvy strategies to help you understand your loans, find relief through forgiveness and repayment plans, and keep calm under the weight of debt

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Investment Strategies for the Risk Averse
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Investment Strategies for the Risk Averse

In the dynamic world of investing, the stock market's unpredictable nature can be a significant source of anxiety for the risk-averse, especially for healthcare professionals who've dedicated their lives to stability and care. The fear of market fluctuations often leads to hesitation, potentially hindering financial growth and the ability to outpace inflation.

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Retirement Planning for Healthcare Professionals
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Retirement Planning for Healthcare Professionals

For healthcare professionals, retirement planning carries its own set of complexities. Balancing the desire for a comfortable retirement against the reality of variable income, practice management costs, and personal financial goals requires a nuanced approach.

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Canadian Taxes 101: What You Need to Know
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Canadian Taxes 101: What You Need to Know

They are only the largest expense we Canadians have in our lifetimes. Despite that, only a few of us actually truly understand how they work, what certain terms mean and what you can do to legally reduce your tax burden

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My second year running an Airbnb in my home
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

My second year running an Airbnb in my home

Have you ever wondered about renting out a bedroom and bathroom of your house for short term rentals? That’s what I did in 2022. My platform of choice is Airbnb, learn how I became a super host and house hacked my way to living close to mortgage free. Check out my 2023 Year in Review

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2023 Portfolio In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2023 Portfolio In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a look at how 2023 has treated my portfolio so far.

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How to buy your first home the smart way!
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

How to buy your first home the smart way!

You may be asking yourself ‘What the heck is an FHSA and how can I use it to buy my first home?’. Don’t fret, we will discuss the nitty gritty of the proposed FHSA plan and how you can use that, alongside an FHBP (RRSP) and TFSA to purchase your first home.

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2023 Portfolio Mid Year In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2023 Portfolio Mid Year In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a look at how 2023 has treated my portfolio so far.

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Why are these major banks collapsing?
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Why are these major banks collapsing?

Headlines are screaming about a possible banking system collapse as three large institutions (Silvergate Capital, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank) have failed over the last three weeks. This is even affecting a major player in traditional finance, whose tentacles reach all corners of the world, Credit Suisse.

There is a whole generation of people who are getting a crash (forgive the pun) course on how money works and the current affairs of our banking system. Likely, the question you are asking yourself is 'will it affect me, and what can I do about it?

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Buying your first home with a FHSA?
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Buying your first home with a FHSA?

You may be asking yourself ‘What the heck is an FHSA and how can I use it to buy my first home?’. Don’t fret, we will discuss the nitty gritty of the proposed FHSA plan and how you can use that, alongside an FHBP and TFSA to purchase your first home.

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My first year running an Airbnb in my home
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

My first year running an Airbnb in my home

Have you ever wondered about renting out a bedroom and bathroom of your house for short term rentals? That’s what I did in 2022. My platform of choice is Airbnb, learn how I became a super host and house hacked my way to living close to mortgage free.

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2022 Portfolio Year In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2022 Portfolio Year In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a look at how 2022 has treated my portfolio. Hint… not well.

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2022 Portfolio Mid Year In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2022 Portfolio Mid Year In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a look at how 2022 has treated my portfolio so far.

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2021 Portfolio Year In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2021 Portfolio Year In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a dive into my 2021 portfolio!

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