How Inflation is Eroding Your Wealth
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

How Inflation is Eroding Your Wealth

Your savings account pays you 0.5% but the inflation rate is 5%, so your real rate of return is -4.5%, and you're wondering why you can't get ahead?

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My Favourite Resources
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

My Favourite Resources

I used to hate to read. Then I realized it wasn’t the act of reading but instead WHAT I was reading. Goodbye Shakespeare!

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What makes up a credit score?
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

What makes up a credit score?

There are five components to your credit score. Each component has a different weighting and can impact your score both positively and negatively. This will in turn effect your ability to purchase many assets/liabilities

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What My Why is!
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

What My Why is!

It is in understanding your ‘why’ that you determine your purpose.

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