Robin, You’re Just a Physiotherapist
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Robin, You’re Just a Physiotherapist

I had little idea of the number of transferable skill sets I learned throughout my physiotherapy career. These same skillsets, I am confident will serve me well when I do my transition out of physiotherapy and into the next stage of my life.

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2023 Portfolio Mid Year In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2023 Portfolio Mid Year In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a look at how 2023 has treated my portfolio so far.

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 Inflation and the Erosion of Wealth
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Inflation and the Erosion of Wealth

Inflation has a direct impact on the purchasing power of your wealth. As the general price level of goods and services rises, the value of each unit of currency decreases. This means that the money you have today will buy fewer goods and services in the future.

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Fiat Money, what it is, and how to make it work for you.
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Fiat Money, what it is, and how to make it work for you.

In this blog , I will talk about money and how it works because based on my conversations with clients, the concept of money is not well understood. It seems like we take it at face value, without understanding the principles of it. In my opinion, if you don't understand the principles of money, then how the heck are you going to make it work for you?

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Bouncing Back: Recovering from Capital Loss
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Bouncing Back: Recovering from Capital Loss

Investing in the stock market can be an exciting and potentially lucrative endeavor. However, just like any investment, there's always a chance of experiencing losses. If you find yourself facing a stock market loss, it's essential to understand that it's not the end of the world. With patience, perseverance, and a strategic approach, you can work towards recovering from the setback. In this article, we'll explore some basic steps you can take to recover from a stock market loss.

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Passive Income Streams?
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Passive Income Streams?

I'm sure you've heard the term 'passive income' being tossed around the water cooler, social media, and the like. I was hooked by the concept when I read 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' in my early twenties. Although sounding extremely attractive, I quickly realized that nothing is TRULY passive. Income streams reside more on a continuum from active to less active. Some streams require a little more EFFORT than the next. Nevertheless, I am a huge proponent of having MULTIPLE revenue streams.

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Does Gender Income Inequality exist in Healthcare?
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Does Gender Income Inequality exist in Healthcare?

Over my career both as a physiotherapist and an adjunct clinical professor, I could sense there was a disparity between my male and female colleagues. Although I sensed this, I did not spend much time actually researching the literature. To my detriment, I think I could have had more of an impact earlier on in my career addressing some of the issues through my various roles. Nevertheless, I spent the last week doing a deep dive into the historical income difference in the workforce as a whole but also with a special focus on healthcare. A field that I am intimately familiar with.

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Why are these major banks collapsing?
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Why are these major banks collapsing?

Headlines are screaming about a possible banking system collapse as three large institutions (Silvergate Capital, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank) have failed over the last three weeks. This is even affecting a major player in traditional finance, whose tentacles reach all corners of the world, Credit Suisse.

There is a whole generation of people who are getting a crash (forgive the pun) course on how money works and the current affairs of our banking system. Likely, the question you are asking yourself is 'will it affect me, and what can I do about it?

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Buying your first home with a FHSA?
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Buying your first home with a FHSA?

You may be asking yourself ‘What the heck is an FHSA and how can I use it to buy my first home?’. Don’t fret, we will discuss the nitty gritty of the proposed FHSA plan and how you can use that, alongside an FHBP and TFSA to purchase your first home.

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My first year running an Airbnb in my home
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

My first year running an Airbnb in my home

Have you ever wondered about renting out a bedroom and bathroom of your house for short term rentals? That’s what I did in 2022. My platform of choice is Airbnb, learn how I became a super host and house hacked my way to living close to mortgage free.

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2022 Portfolio Year In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2022 Portfolio Year In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a look at how 2022 has treated my portfolio. Hint… not well.

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Crypto Crash, Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

Crypto Crash, Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

What’s going on in the crypto market? FTX Bankruptcy, lost, stolen and fraudulent funds. Crypto regulation coming down the pipeline? What you can do as an investor to protect your assets and cryptocurrencies

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2022 Portfolio Mid Year In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2022 Portfolio Mid Year In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a look at how 2022 has treated my portfolio so far.

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The People Who’ve Shaped Me
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

The People Who’ve Shaped Me

I'm clearly not a 'self made' person. All my success can be attributed to the people that have surrounded me in my life. That tossed in with some tremendous luck have shaped who I have become today.

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What Should I Do with My Money?
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

What Should I Do with My Money?

This simple seven step process provides some insight on how someone can take control of their financial life and put theory into practice

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2021 Portfolio Year In Review
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

2021 Portfolio Year In Review

Financial Transparency = Financial Literacy. Why are we so afraid about talking about our financial success and failures? Take a dive into my 2021 portfolio!

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What My Why is!
Robin Valadares Robin Valadares

What My Why is!

It is in understanding your ‘why’ that you determine your purpose.

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